Monday, January 15, 2007

Dogs of Mobile: Beware!

It seems that I have a history of being chased by dogs whenever I go walking in my neighborhood. Last thanksgiving I went for an early morning stroll and had no less than 13 dogs chase/follow me. Thirteen! The last dog that I encountered was foaming at the mouth and tried to make me his thanksgiving meal. The most recent time (before last weekend) I went walking I had only made it a couple of houses down the street before a dog ran out of its yard, across the street, and started barking, growling, and chomping at me. I tried to kick him across town but I missed. At that point I decided to never go walking in the neighborhood again. This past Sunday Robyn wanted to go for a walk. After talking about it we decided to walk in the neighborhood since I had recently bought pepper spray. We took off walking and after about 10 minutes a dog comes out of nowhere and runs at us and is being very aggressive. Keep in mind I've got my arm in a sling and I immediately begin thinking that I need to protect my pregnant wife. So I pull out the pepper spray and give him a good spray right in the face. He immediately turned away. We keep on walking and the first dog, and ANOTHER dog (who look alike) both run at us. At this point we see a man come out of his garage. I yell at the man "YOU BETTER GET YOUR DOGS OR I'M GOING TO SPRAY THIS OTHER ONE TOO!" He say "they're not going to bite." And I say "I've heard that before." So he corrals his dogs and we keep walking. We'd made it to the next house and we hear him say "I'm going to follow you and see where you live." I turn around and say "I KNOW where you live." He didn't say anything else. (Just so you know, this man looked to be about 65). We continued to walk for about another 10 minutes and we have another dog run out of its yard straight at us in a very aggressive manner. I'm able to keep my 1-armed self between the dog and Robyn. I yelled "GET AWAY" and "NO" so loudly that I attracted the attention of a neighbor who was able to get the dog's attention off us. I was fully prepared to spray that dog too but I didn't have to. It was just a short walk home after that and Robyn and I were able to relax after a nice, Sunday afternoon constitutional.

Some lessons I learned:
1. I apparently put off the pheromones of a cat
2. If your dog attempts to attack someone it's best to apologize, not threaten them
3. I will never ever go walking in my neighborhood again


Anonymous said...

It really is a shame that the leash law is not inforced and that you can't even walk in your own neighborhood. Walking is so good for you. But then you could have a dog like Bear and still not walk because you fear he could kill another dog while still on the leash. Goodness"! Let's write to Congress and have the leash law enforced!!! "G"

Kayleigh and Brian said...

Hey. I could have sworn that I have checked this every day and suddenly this blog appears. That's HILARIOUS, by the way! You've got to keep coming up with these interesting stories, rather than just the preg-o stuff. Not that we don't want to hear about preggy, but there's not always that much to say!

Ben, Katie, and Campbell said...

Never ever walking in the neighborhood again? Now Nick, surely not every one of those dogs wants to eat/harm you...

--Shelley said...

Are you sure you don't want to look at that nice big affordable house in your same zip code just because it doesn't have a carport? I'm just sayin' is all.


Anonymous said...

"I apparently put off the pheromones of a cat"

Classic Nick comment. Great stuff! :)


Anonymous said...

I dop kicked a poodle one time for chasing me every time it saw me. Problem solved.