Thursday, January 11, 2007


robyn thinks she's getting a little belly already. i think she's crazy.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited that little Robyn Skreed V is pregnant!!!!! I just stumbled accross your site from Shelley's. I'm so sorry you've had morning (all-day) sickness. It will be gone by 13 weeks I bet. Again, Congrats to Robyn and Nick!!!! Love, DTA

Anonymous said...

You said you thought you might show early because you are so tiny. Showing is a good thing. I can't wait to pat baby komquat. Please come up with a boy name just in case komquat is not a Taylor. I love you three! "G" (Gran)

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I don't know....Some people do show early, but at 10 weeks??? The baby is only like what, 2 ounces or something? "G" is right, though. Robyn is tiny, so that could contribute to her showing already! I just started to show about a week ago. I'm not even sure if I'm showing off baby or everything I ate for the holidays!!! :)

Ben, Katie, and Campbell said...

Despite the baby being super super tiny, its not the baby making you show its the swelling and increased blood flow to the yootris. Yeah Rob! Nick, never doubt your pregnant wife. -Dr. Compton

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, komquat does not replace "LT" (even for a week!)
Robyn hope you continue to get over the "sickness".
I pray for you 3 every day.