Friday, May 4, 2007

26 Week Belly and Other Thoughts

Here is my 26 week belly! It's getting bigger by the day...and unfortunately, due to my appetite, its not the only thing getting bigger :( You can't see it in the sideview, but I'm starting to get that lovely dark line, linea negra I believe is what they call it, down the center of my belly - YUCK! Shelley told me once that she thought I'd have a hard time with my growing body whenever I got pregnant - I'm afraid she may have been right. I guess that's just all part of pregnancy, though. And as I've been told, it will all be worth it when we see her and hold her for the first time. I do wonder what/who she'll look like, what her personality will be, when she'll be born, how much she'll weigh, and what my labor and delivery experience will be like. I watch baby shows on TV quite regularly now, such as Runway Moms, Bringing Home Baby, Birth Day, etc. Someone told me that I shouldn't watch those shows, but I find them to be very educational and they often prompt me to pray for Taylor. It's funny how my thoughts of natural delivery vs. drugs change so quickly and frequently as I watch the women on T.V. Perhaps I'll have a better idea of what my birth plan will look like after we go through Childbirth Education Classes and the closer I get to my due date.


Anonymous said...

It's so fun watching your belly grow! I'm glad you are posting pictures. We are all so excited about meeting Taylor for the first time. I think as long as the baby shows aren't scaring you, watch them as much as you want!

Kayleigh and Brian said...

You have such a cute belly! I can't believe that you don't like it. Erik and the doctors are the only ones that will see mine without a shirt over it!
I'm sure you just think you're putting on a lot of weight. It's hard watching the scale move higher and higher, I know. Every skinny person should have a fat period so you learn to keep the weight down while you can. At least you have a reason for the extra weight!!

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for posting another belly pic :) it's fun to see the progress. the brown line is a funny/weird thing. hope you'll enjoy all the changes along the rest of the way and not think they're gross or anything.


Melanie said...

You look beautiful! Being pregnant is very sci-fi is it not?? Keep the pics coming and prayers keep coming for the little Villacampa family!

Kayleigh and Brian said...

PS. I'll trade your one linea negra for my many stretch marks!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this true for you and our grand daughter? :)

An old wives' tale claims that if your linea negra runs only to your navel, you are carrying a girl; but if it goes all the way up to the xiphoid (bottom-most part of the center of your ribcage), it's a boy.

Once you hold her, you won't care how many lines you had. "Had" is the key word cause it will disappear.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rob, there are many pregnant women who would love to look like you. You are beautiful as I knew you would be. Love, Moma

Ben, Katie, and Campbell said...

i think you are the small pregnant person i have ever seen... no worries. :) and you are gorgeous - just as much pregnant as you have always been. hang in there - the weight is only temporary, but you get an amazing life that will last much longer! :) so worth it... and after seeing how great you and nick our with our child, we know yours is in for a real treat. :)
we love you guys...