Friday, May 11, 2007


I'm sad to say that I'm already experiencing a bit of swelling in my ankles. Pitted edema to be exact. For those of you who don't know what this is, its when you press hard on your skin and the indentation remains. This is not good for one who is only 27 1/2 weeks pregnant and stands on her feet at work. But at least I have breaks and don't have to stand all day. AND its already getting into the 90's and its only May! Yikes. If I've heard it once, I've heard it a dozen times..."Oooo, you're gonna be hot this summer!" (even from strangers, might I add). It's become a joke among family and friends that I'm going to be hot and swollen this summer.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. We are very thankful for this healthy pregnancy and don't at all take it for granted. I really write this more to be funny than anything.

But seriously, I do think its gonna be a hot one!


--Shelley said...

can i relate to the pitting? it is quite fascinating, albiet unattractive.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. I can totally relate. No wedding ring, no shoes, propping feet up frequently. You are beautiful! Thank you for a wonderful Mother's Day! Moma