Potty training hasn't really started around here yet, but we have some of the things we need when we start. Nick's sister, Val, gave Taylor a generous gift card for her birthday which we used to buy some potty training paraphenalia...Froggy potty, Sesame Street panties, and pull-ups. I've been saying that I don't think that Taylor's ready yet (though I thought a little differently over the past couple of months), but I think it would be a more accurate statement to say that I'm not ready yet. A few reasons include, but are not limited to, the following: I don't love a challenge and I think it might be just that; she's about to start MDO next month and I don't think she (or I, for that matter) need too many transitions at one time; I haven't done ANY research/reading whatsoever to get tips; I think it's a waste of time and energy to start too early; and maybe,
just maybe, my baby is growing up too fast!
So in the meantime, we'll talk about it and practice with her dolls and stuffed animals. She does sit on the potty and even asks to, but nothing ever happens. I'm glad she's interested in it, but I'm not pushing it just yet.
The picture below was all Taylor's idea. She sat her bear on there all by herself and said, "Go tee-tee, Bear." I cracked up, as I do often when listening to her funny little self.
On a related note, she really has become quite the nurturer lately, taking care of her babies, changing their diapers, taking her Bear to the potty.