Friday, September 18, 2009

Note to Self...

Always, I repeat, ALWAYS have an extra pair of clothes for your child in their diaper bag or at least in the car. Along with that, always have those nice little scented bags or some kind of plastic bag to put nasty diapers in.

I did these things when Taylor was a baby, but have since slacked in, I never have these things with me. Until now. That will change after our little incident in Target. The whole trip was pretty much frustrating, but I'll spare you all the other stuff. Just know that Taylor had a dirty diaper pretty soon right after we got there. I thought it was just a little poop, or maybe even alot of poop, but I had no idea what was to come. So, my stinky daughter and I continued to look around the clothes department and proceeded to the dressing room (where nothing worked, might I add) but I decided that since I didn't have one of those aforementioned bags for stinky diapers that I would continue shopping and just wait to change her in the restroom before we left. Then we continued to leave a trail of stink everywhere we went (Taylor, not me) and got a few toiletries. On the way to the checkout I realized that her diaper had leaked onto her shorts and was very noticeable. I could just feel the stares and read their minds..."Woman, could you please take your stinky child and leave?", or "I wonder if she knows there is diarrhea on her child's shorts or should I tell her?", or "Good grief! Where is that coming from?"

After I checked out, and forgot to use my coupon (dang it!), we walked into the restroom. Thankfully they had one of those changing stations, which I'm sure was covered in germs. But oh well. There was this cute pregnant woman washing her hands who said something like, "Girl, you have a mess to deal with!" We conversed and she tried to help me out by offering to get me a Target bag, but I was Johnny-on-the-spot and had quickly thought to consolidate my bags so I could use one I already had to put her dirty shorts in. I know, I'm so green. Anyway, her diaper was like nothing I've ever seen! I don't know if it was the frosted mini wheats she ate yesterday or what, but it was a mess! I decided to spare the other shoppers and staff and throw the diaper away outside. It would have been just plain cruel had I not.

The whole point in saying that I needed a change of clothes for her was that I needed to run another errand, but didn't want to take my 2 year-old in just a diaper and a shirt. So we headed home instead. Next time hopefully I'll be more prepared!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is - whatta mess. I'm sorry your trip turned out like that. But it was fixable and those things happen!! :)

--Shelley said...

I would have probably taken the opportunity to buy a cute new outfit for since you were at Target. But you are better with your budget than I am. Hey, I am getting better.

I laughed OUT LOUD at that story.

Merrill said...

That is such the life of a mom. I have a great poopie story to write up too. It is amazing. I always forget to use coupons too, makes me so mad! And I thought just what Shelley did, oh darn I'll have to buy her a cute outfit at Target...since I'm here.

Matthew and Valerie said...

Poor Taylor! She'll never remember, though. If it makes you feel better I'll be a better mom by learning from this story. :)

Anonymous said...

from the single lady: "oh, gross"...and that's all you get.

haha! here's to hoping the next shopping excursion smells better.

Donna said...

This reminds me of when Marky through up all over himself at Walmart sitting in the cart and everyone just stared at me and I didn't know what to do. When walmart worker finally strolled over and rolled her eyes (excuse her) I got some paper towels. I did run over to clothes and bought a t-shirt, jeans and underwear and we made the best of it. You are kind to take the "bomb" outside. :)

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I am so glad to hear that YOU weren't the one leaving a trail of stink.
And we have all done that at one point in time, sister. It's part of "ritual". :)

christian and amanda said...

oh, have i been there...we live an hour from "town" and only go twice a month. i've gone to the thrift store just to clothe my daughter...and, she has definitely gone in the cart with only a diaper, too! i have also, how red neck is this, told silas to give his undies to priya so she'll at least have something under her dress!!

Dana said...

Hey Nick,

Didn't know you had a blog! I was looking at someone else's and saw "Villacampa's" and wondered if it was you and low and behold! Great to find you on here.

Dana Hinkle Ellis
Thoughts on Life and Dirty Diapers