on craigslist, and after going to look at in person with my hidden potential glasses and can-do attitude, we bought it for $50. Then after many hours spent stripping off the old paint, sanding it, and putting on a fresh coat of stain and poly, this is how she turned out...
Its not the best picture of it - the flash kinda washed it out a bit - but you get the idea right? I still have to stain and replace the dowel buttons (the little peices of wood that cover the screw holes) and I'll probably eventually replace the hardware, but for now just repainting the old hardware is what fit the budget. I forgot to take a "before" picture before I took off the hardware, but it was spray painted silver.
It looks AWESOME!!!
It's beautiful! Thanks for the definition of dowel buttons, too. I wouldn't know known what they were!
It looks great! I can't imagine staining the dowel buttons because they are so small, but hopefully that will make it easier. It looks great!
What a terrific job. I can never picture the finished job in my mind. You did great.
mom v
By the way, I still have that bird song in my head!!!! And that's my era - how do you know it?
mom v
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