Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Word(s) of the day

Today Taylor has added 2 more words to her vocabulary: apple and okay (which sounds more like otay). And I almost forgot to mention that she's 18 months old today! Where has the time gone? It's hard to believe we'll be planning for her 2nd Birthday Party in just a few months!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Big Girl

Taylor has been acting and looking like such a big girl lately. Sometimes it's her outfit, sometimes it's her hair-do, but all the time it's her attitude that makes her seem so grown-up. I think we might be getting a little taste of the terrible two's. And she's adding to her vocabulary kidding. Some of her new words lately include: turtle, car, Amy (babysitter), Baxley (Amy's brother), Poppy/Papa, Gran (kind of), picture, Streed (kind of), Gidgey (neighbor's dog, teeth. She's quite the chatterbox! She LOVES to read and asks you to "wead" to her all the time! And I think she's even begun to try to stall me when I get ready to lay her down for her nap, because as soon as I start to put her in her sleep sak she points to the rocking chair and says "wead" over and over and over. Within the past week she has started "reading" (a.k.a. babbling) when you open a book. Isn't she too young for this? Oh, and I almost forgot, she can count to 2! She's super funny and fun, and I'm glad she's developing so well...but I wish she'd slow down!

Kissin' Queen

I wish I had a picture to post, but Taylor has become quite the kissin' queen lately. She's been giving Nick kisses for a few weeks, but is now giving kisses to me, too. Yay! She more or less leans in and lets you kiss her rather than puckering up and kissing back. But we'll take what we can get. :)

Monday, January 12, 2009


So I got my score for the PHR exam in the mail today and I was very pleased. A passing score on the test is a 500 and a perfect score is a 700. I was really hoping for a 600, but was afraid that that may have been a little too lofty of an aspiration. So I was very happy when I opened up my test results today and saw that I got a 630! On just about each of the six sections of the test I missed just four questions.

Oh, and I got a gold pin that says "PHR." Boo-ya.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Morning Fiasco

You will not believe what happened at the Villacampa house this morning! Before I tell you, let me set the stage. It was sometime after 7:30 a.m., Taylor was awake, Nick had gotten up and was pouring Taylor's milk, and I'm still laying in bed mostly awake. I hear an unidentifiable noise, then I hear Nick say, "Oh crap, Robyn come here quick!" My first thought was there is some type of animal in our house! As I am jumping out of bed at lightening speed I ask, "What is it?" to which he replies, "It's a squirrel!" Yep, a squirrel! Do you know how crazy those things are? I mean, I am an Alpha Gam, and I'm the only squirrel that should be in my house! Back to setting the stage. I am laughing as I type this because I know we looked hilarious! So I run to the den, then I tell Nick I have to go find my glasses (this is one of the MANY times I wish I had Lasik surgery, or better yet naturally perfect eyesight), then I look in the usual places that I leave them only to find no glasses. So I go back to the den to try and "help" Nick in my blindness and we watch this squirrel run around, scurry up blinds and then jump off, then run up my ficus tree and try to run up the mantel, then run over to the love seat (yes, I will be saturating it with Lysol), and finally run out the back door with the help of Nick corralling it. It was absolutely unbelievable to say the least. And in case you're wondering how it got in...the chimney. Nick forgot to close the damper last time we used it, which has been quite some time ago might I add! Then he tells me, "I was just thinking yesterday that I might have left the damper open." He also said that he was thinking just a few days ago that he needs to put some screening on the top of the chimney. I must say I have to agree. Can you imagine if that happened when Taylor and I were here by ourselves? I'm pretty sure I would have wet my pants...and then called my dear neighbors to come help me. And Nick is now out of town, so I'll probably be having nightmares about being attacked by a squirrel. Maybe I'll sleep in Taylor's crib with her. :)

P.S. Please pray for Nick's safety as he travels this weekend.