Friday, May 2, 2008

It's Just a Phase

This is what one of my clients (who is a mother of two) says when talking about the various things babies go through. I hope she's right and I hope this is a short one. The past 2 nights Taylor has woken up and stays awake for quite some time. I assume that her gums are bothering her or that she's starting to need more food. Or perhaps it's that she's starting to need less daytime sleep so that's messing up her nighttime sleep. It's all a guessing game. Last night as I fed her around 4 or so, I thought to myself, "I feel like I'm in the newborn days all over again." There are some aspects of the itty bitty newborn days that I miss, but the screaming baby who isn't sleeping well is not one of them. I'll try feeding her more at dinner tonight and hope that it works. But I'm afraid that it's mainly because she's teething...which, unfortunately for Taylor (and a little for me if I'm eing honest), is a phase that lasts for years.


Anonymous said...

This too shall pass. She'd love to tell you what's wrong so it is a guessing game for parents.

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten about Gabe doing this until I read your post. It was a VERY short "phase" for us...literally a few days! Miracle cure?? Teething tablets!! We got ours at an alternative drug store, but you can probably find them anywhere. They dissolove in their mouths and work in minutes!! And...they're all harmful medicines for your lil' punkin'!!

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Linds, but we already got some. Last night as a matter of fact and she actually slept well. But this morning she was really fussy even after I gave her 2 tablets, so I'm not sure if the teething tablets did the trick last night or if it was because I put her in the sleep sak that she's most used to. Who knows. All I know is that I enjoyed my sleep :)

Anonymous said...

Oh well, I guess it's true that one man's trash is another's treasure!! :)