Sunday, September 2, 2007

Big enough for PJ's

Now that I'm starting to get a little bigger, mama and daddy are now able to start putting me in more clothes. I'm glad that they're doing this because I was getting bored with wearing nothing but a diaper. Plus, everyone saw me naked all the time. Here are some pictures so you can see how cute I look!


Melanie said...

We were so excited for Kaitlyn to finally start wearing clothes! Now I look at them and they are so TINY. I am glad she is quickly becoming a fasionista. I want to see her and hold her as she was eating when I came to the hospital and I had another little girl on my hands. Hopefully soon!

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute in her little one piece pj's. You do too, Nick. (Not in your pj's.) I want to reach in and hold her again. :)

Anonymous said...

Babies are cute naked, but they do have the cutest clothes, too!

katie said...

oh my goodness... i just need to hold her. what cute jammies! although you are mighty cute naked too ms taylor. i hate that ben is so busy and it has been this long -maybe y'all need a vacation and want to come to bham?!? (or move here....)
love and miss you!
aunt katie

Anonymous said...

Could Nick be any more proud?! He's beaming! Precious baby girl! I hope to see her this afternoon. Gran

Anonymous said...

This is for Aunt Katie. No they cannot move to B'ham.! No, No, No. Robyn's mom

Ali Richardson said...

So cute! I'm glad I can keep up with yall (and her) now. I've got a blog too. I miss yall. I'll let you know when I come back to Mobile so I can see her. Love ya! :)