Saturday, April 28, 2007

A milestone and other thoughts

If you look at the countdown at the left side of the screen you'll see that there are less than 100 days until the due date! Not exactly a major milestone, but it's exciting nonetheless.

Taylor has proven to be an active little girl. Robyn of course can feel her all the time. And I can feel her just about every time I put my hand on Robyn's belly. This brings a smile to my face every time and I hope that it never gets old to me.

Robyn has had heartburn pretty regularly lately so we're hoping that Taylor comes out with a full head of hair. (This isn't just an old wive's tale--I heard a scientific study recently that confirmed this).


Anonymous said...

Maybe Taylor will look like Mia with lots of dark hair. I'm not sure how scientific the study is but a lot of moms claim it's true. :) I hope Robyn starts feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rob, you just went from one kind of discomfort to another. I sorry. Could Taylor possibly be blonde for a while like her daddy? Remember, you were active in utero (sp)too. Looking forward to our playday tomorrow with Aunt Rob. Moma

Melanie said...

IT IS TRUE!! I had the most horrible heart burn like it was eating my throat and chest and Kaitlyn had lots of hair and STILL does. I like the taste of TUMS though so I was lucky!

Ben, Katie, and Campbell said...

Nick, I think I read that study. It was in the JSAM(Journal of Subjective and Anecdotal Medicine). Highly respected for its authoritative works. :)

Ben, Katie, and Campbell said...

Seriously though, hope your heartburn goes away soon Robbie.