Friday, November 21, 2008


Today is the first day of our vacation. We'll leave for B'ham after lunch today and will stay with our friends Ben & Katie. We're going to B'ham because we have a wedding to go to tomorrow and will stay up there because flights are sooo much cheaper out of there than Mobile. We're glad to be going up there so that we can see some friends that we haven't seen in a while. We flight out of B'ham on Monday morning and will be in St. Pete until Saturday. We're excited to see Nick's family--especially his grandma, aunt & uncle and cousins who have never met Taylor. We're looking forward to a fun and relaxing time down there. The only part of the trip that makes us nervous is the plane ride because we don't want to be the parents who get dirty looks because their child is screaming. So be praying that Tay Tay does fine and that her ears do alright with the air pressure changes!


Lindsey said...

fun vacation time! i'm sure the plane ride will be fine. i flew with both kids ALONE... not once, not twice, but thrice! just have low expectations and then you'll be so thrilled with how well she does! say hey to us when you drive by our exit in calera!

Matthew and Valerie said...

Be thankful that you don't have to drive down with Taylor. Matt's brother and sister-in-law drove from Atlanta to St. Pete yesterday. They were going to stop by if Caitlin wasn't doing well, but they didn't so hopefully it went well for them. See you Tuesday!!

christian and amanda said...

so, ahem. i had 13 minutes in Chicago airport!!! I raced with the double stroller and three bags on my back and my baby belly....and cried while running about a mile in the airport. The crew felt so bad, they put the bridge back and opened the door and let me get on. What a crazy idea, flying pregnant with two little kids!!! Oh, when I got to Montrose, I had a flat tire in the parking lot! Hope your trip was smoother.